Monday, October 16, 2006

Reply to Mary's Moment of the Day Re: Fire Safety

Mary's Moment of the Day:
Entry for October 16, 2006
In class the fire alarms started blaring. Apparently I was the only one concerned. As I slid my coat on I realized no one else was moving, the instructor informed us that it was probably a drill, but he didn't know. As he explained that we were on the third floor and the stairs were way away there was nothing we could do. "We could get out" I chimed in. Everyone sat calmly listening in class while the bright fire alarm light flashed like a strobe for the next 20 minutes. Finally I asked him to see what other class rooms were doing. Some had left and some had not. "What's wrong with these people?" I thought to myself as I pictured tonight's news featuring our burned up bodies and the reporter claiming we would have lived if we just would have left! Finally it stopped, I'm guessing the bulb burned out. If it's not obvious by now, we lived.

My Response:
So I'm sitting in Publications class listening to a guest speaker. The fire alarm starts going off, and we just sit there. Everyone looks at the flashing light and contemplates for a minute I guess. I'm sitting there assuming we'll get up and go outside, you know, like we learned to do in kindergarten. Nope. We just sit there and continue on with class. Finally someone gets up to see if anyone else is leaving. Once she comes back and says the best idea would be to go outside, THEN we all get up to go outside. (After gathering all of our stuff, of course.) Once we get outside, after our slow stroll through the hallways, we wade through all the smokers who are standing right next to the building, blocking the door. If they were testing us for fire safety we all failed miserably and would be dead if the building was in fact on fire. Did NO ONE else go to elementary school and have a fire drill every month or so? Geez. (We too lived through the ordeal Mary, but I feel that I lost a couple IQ points by witnessing the spectacle.)--Kath

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