Monday, September 11, 2006

Crisis in Hays.

I lost the Stewie button off my backpack and it saddens me.
However, I have some nice music to make me happy- Disney's Greatest Hits Vol. 2, and the Jarhead soundtrack. Awesome.
Thankfully I didn't lose my "I heart Lucius Malfoy" button.
It would take more than Disney to soothe me after that.

Friday, September 01, 2006

It pays to buckle your seat belt...

Seriously. I got a dollar today because I was wearing my seatbelt.

While Lindsay and I were coming back from lunch today we tried to wave at the big State Farm teddy bear, and he totally ignored us--but some cheery woman did come up at the light and give us money.

I guess it's some promotional thing they were doing. Everyone they saw wearing a seatbelt got a dollar. We considered going around the block again, but we didn't. Don't want to abuse the system and all.

Here are some Buckle Up, Kansas! Fast Facts that we got with our dollar:

  • In 2005, there were 428 fatalities in Kansas. 70% of those killed were found to be unbelted. (KDOT)
  • Safety belts are the single most effective way to protect people in crashes. In 2005, it is estimated that 27 Kansans were saved by wearing their seat belt. (KDOT)
  • Kids follow your lead. Studies show that when the driver is buckled up, 85% of children are also restrained. In a car, the safest way to transport your child is buckled up in the back seat.
  • The force of impact from a 30 mph crash is like falling head first from a three-story building.
Click it. Or ticket. It's Kansas Law.
So there.

New email rules

To avoid further annoyances, please consult the following guidelines when sending me an email:

1. If it says you are going to win money, don't send it. You're not going to win anything.

2. If it is 47 pages long with some nice moral at the end of the story, don't send it. I won't read all of it and therefore won't get the message.

3. If it has anything to do with Jesus loving me and/or my country, don't send it. I've seen it and I don't want to see it again.

4. If they would be at all reluctant to say it on Family Guy, American Dad, or South Park, don't send it. If it's too offensive for them then I'm not going to find it amusing.

5. If you send me anything at all, just do this: imagine that I am the subject of the email and then decide if you would still send it to me if that were true.