Sunday, April 08, 2007

Movie: GRINDHOUSE + a few others

Grindhouse AKA Planet Terror, and Death Proof. Between the two they have Rose McGowan, Kurt Russel, Bruce Willis and some other cool people and lots of so-so actors.

If you don't know about Grindhouse I'm going to wager you won't want to see it. It's a horror double feature, which was a brilliant idea.

Some of you know I have issues with Quentin Tarantino (being that I don't like his movies) so I thought I would give him another chance. Planet Terror is a Robert Rodriguez film (who I'm not totally in love with either) and Death Proof is Quentin's film.

Rodriguez has totally redeemed himself and I'm sorry I ever doubted him. He is clearly a disturbed and horrible human being and I love him for it. Planet Terror is the funniest, most disgusting movie I have ever seen. I don't know if I've ever seen a movie that was quite so much fun. The guys in the theatre losing their minds made it all the more entetaining. I thought one of them was going to laugh himself into a stroke. I've never seen anything so wrong in my life. It's what I've been waiting for. I've been searching for the perfect horror movie and I might have just found it. Along with Rodriguez, I now fully appreciate the talents of Rose McGowan. She is brilliant. I had no idea. Everything was perfect from beginning to end.

And for Death Proof, the Q man...well I still can't say he's in the clear with me but he has improved his spot on the list for sure. Death Proof is not NEARLY the entertainment powerhouse that Planet Terror is but it has it's good points. There's almost 2 mini-movies in Death Proof. The beginning of #1 is boring, but the conclusion is brilliant. (Which means it was disgusting and horrible.) Then we move on to scenaio #2 and it's boooorrring for quite a while, then it's fun, then the last 2 minutes makes the whole damn thing worth it. The dude mentioned above that I thought was going to injure himself was jumping up and down losing his mind by the end of the movie. I will say for Q, he knows how to end a movie.

Aside from the boring stuff Kurt Russell is hillarious. I didn't know he still had it in him.

The "missing reel" trick is hillarious and well utilized.

Now that I know what comes at the end I would gladly sit through the boring stuff again and again. Honestly if Death Proof was as good as Planet Terror I think theatre dude might have needed oxygen.

So I gave Q another chance and it paid off. He can give his friend Robert a lot of credit for that but I'm glad I did it. As I was walking out of the theatre behind the rowdy boys one of them said, "What did I just see?!?" Q would have been so proud.

Blood Stains, starring no one.

Dumbest movie ever. There is no friggin blood, it's so stupid. I can't believe someone made this piece of crap.

Wishmaster 1 & 2, starring...that dude who plays the Wishmaster.

These were an awful lot of fun. They were better than they look like they would be. They were cheesy and silly, don't get me wrong but there was gore and a monster thing (djinn). The guy is very creepy, and I like him a lot. Not the best but fun for me. I'd watch them again.

Feast, starring Henry Rollins, Balthazar Getty and no one else you'd know by name.

It's bloody, it's gory, it's gross, and wrong, and funny. This was a Project Greenlight film (the Ben Affleck and Matt Damon search for new movie makers) and it shows because there's quite a few original ideas in there. The way they introduce the characters is excellent. It sets up the whole vibe of the movie. It's the people vs monsters story. People in a bar, monsters outside. Monsters want to eat people. It's good fun.

Beyond Re-Animator, starring the guy from the first one.

The guy, West, is now in jail and it makes for a ridiculous setting for more Re-Animator fun. Prison is a really fun place to have undead zombie types running around. Surprisingly good for a sequel. I was expecting the worst, and not the good kind. It's also gross and terrible and disturbing. It is a nice follow-up to the first one. I'm pretty sure there's another one, I guess it comes after this one. The Bride of Re-Animator.

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