Wednesday, April 18, 2007

All I can say is: What the fuck?

WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? Jesus there is something seriously wrong with this place and these idiot people.
If I could remember what these beyond stupid people said I would quote them. But the main point from several people interviewed in Wichita was that they think students should be able to carry guns on campus. Their reasoning...get that people would be able to protect themselves against psychos. Apparently someone could have taken out the shooter before he shot so many people.
Is there a high percentage of brain deficiency in Wichita? Actually I can tell you there is just from watching the news.
Now they're talking about the abortion ban on the news. Fan-frickin-tastic. Thank god senior citizen assholes are making decisions for me. I don't think "partial birth abortions" are a good idea, and can be avoided nearly all of the time and that has nothing to do with the ban. The ban is the first step toward banning all abortions and removing rights from women. I can't even describe how baffling it is that humans do not understand equal rights for all people. It's not a difficult concept, Jesus has nothing to do with it, and if you don't agree with someone elses choices then shut the hell up and go make your own choices.
If the future mothers of America don't die in childbirth, not to fear...they can just enroll in college and get shot by someone who doesn't agree with them in art class.


MrJingles said...

I completely agree with you! Putting weapons in the hands of students or untrained professionals for that matter, is something that has the potential for many destructive and lethal consequences. Additionally, research suggests that when someone untrained fires a weapon they tend to empty the chamber of that weapon of all rounds. Thus, if students were to receive weapons, not only does a high probability lie in the fact that a student may prematurely fire at someone who is an innocent bystander, but the chances of that firing being lethal is much greater as opposed to a professional firing the same weapon. Most students do not have the training to handle the responsibility that goes with bearing arms due to many different factors.

Wichita schools or whoever is involved in wanting to allow students to carry weapons in school need to take a fast and hard look at identifying effective and efficient emergency procedures for preventing this from happening and most likely, the emergency procedures for most colleges are going to be lacking in finding and catching a roaming gunman let alone 2 or 3 gunmans.

When a report of a shooting occurs, email is a very ineffective solution to inform the public of possible danger and it is the authorities responsibility to inform everyone as soon as possible. I would like to know if a shooter is potentially roaming the campus so I won't be going to school. I understand that in this situation those in charge probably did the best they could in the particular crisis, however, campuses every where now have the duty to learn from mistakes made and consequently, do a better job of protecting the public.

The current policy at FHSU does not protect students from a roaming gun man if that policy is one that doesn't inform the students immediately, and in conveying such information, it needs to be relayed in such a way that the students will actually become aware of that information (i.e. email is lacking in this respect).

Research also suggests that people do not panic when they find out that danger may be afoot, and instead, this knowledge provides an opportunity for greater diligence and awareness on their part to protect themselves and others.

One solution that would work well is simple and is hopefully being discussed by emergency policy administrators, which is to send a warning message to all cell phones when a dangerous situation has or is occurring (i.e. gunshots), this way a huge amount of people are informed immediately. It goes without saying that people tend to carry their cell phones on their person, and thus, doing this would be an excellent tool in saving and protecting lives. Sending such a message is possible and easy.

In final analysis, Wichita is erroneously out of touch with the best solutions in this case, when immediately informing the public of dangerous situations is possible and much safer than allowing people to carry weapons. Such an act would be incredulous. Thank you for reading this!

Tom J.

Unknown said...

On the weapon side... I think we should all carry guns and be properly trained to use them! If a psycho next to me decides to bring out his gun he will be faced with a whole room of semi-psychos whose bullets will riddle then entire class room and leave most everyone dead or wounded. This would certainly help population control! ;-) (I am kidding... guns do not belong on campus at any school at any time for any reason other than the law enforcement officers who work or arrive on campus.

on the abortion side of things...

Either we live in a democracy or we live in a fascist theocracy. Here's my take on this... we won't hold abortions in your church and you won't tell us what to do with our lives or how to think. Or... we won't teach evolution in your church if you won't teach creationism in our schools. God and religion are not about logic and reason, they are about faith. Religious people should stop telling the faithless what to think do and be. They should focus on their own faith and live life as an example to the creator/god/God/deity they worship. If there example is good enough, kind enough, compassionate enough and loving enough, they just might find that more people convert to their faith rather than suffer as a result of their fascist rule over others.

about Witchita -
I have met dumb, stupid, smart, bright, kind, hateful, pretentious, compassionate, hurtful, helpful, horrible and fantastic people from all regions, all faiths, all races and all creeds across the few portions of this ball-o-dirt-hurtling-through-space that I have managed to travel. I would say that Witchita is no different than other areas. In this particular case, the people with a 'cause' made it onto the news. It is not a reflection of the entire population of Witchita. However, i would like to point out that it appears that there is a higher ratio of smarts to stupids in some areas more than others. Bottom line... there are smart and stupid people spread all across this planet. Sometimes they congregate. Birds of a feather... Keep your chin up and take a moment to learn about and practice the four agreements: (it will change your life)
