Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Comics for the non-comic reader

That would be me. Comics are too hard for me to follow. I'm not accustomed to reading things not on lines and there's a lot going on to distract me.
I've tried some but I don't make it very far. There are a few exceptions:

Buffy and Angel- the ones that continue straight from the show, not the other stuff. I'm sure I'd like those too but I just haven't read them yet.
One needs a degree to decipher what to read in what order but if you like the show you'll like the comics. It'll fill the void that comes without any of the shows still on the air.

Vimanarama- Simple, colorful, clever, big handsome gods. It's only 3 issues so I got through it.
I don't know what happens in Grant Morrison's head but it makes for interesting reading.

I'm currently reading through the Supernatural Origins stuff. It's, of course, awesome. It's about dad before the boys were big.

I just barely started on Hellblazer but I really like Constantine and I'm hoping to read more of it eventually.


Weasel said...

I don't know if these will grab you, but have you tried "Y: The Last Man" or "Ex Machina," both by Brian K. Vaughan? I effing love the first one, but they're both fantastic. Vaughan wrote for Buffy and maybe Angel too, so they're hilarious, of course.

KJ said...

I haven't tried either of those yet! I wanted to get into 100 Bullets because it sounded cool but I wasn't enthused by the art and, unfortunately, with comics that's kinda a big factor.