Tuesday, August 04, 2015

I value manners, not etiquette.

The wedding invites are all sent. For better or worse. There are people who didn't get invites that may have wanted invites. There are people who didn't get invites that may have expected invites.
This is not because anyone is unwelcome at our wedding. This is because people expect payment for hosting a wedding. Most friends understand this but it still bugs me. If you've kept up with my ranting you are WELL aware of my guest list struggle. I'm glad I never have to do it again.
There are a few people who may get messages from me on this topic. If I can put out a last minute invite, I'll do it. Why not? It's a party. It's not proper or whatever but who cares. It's all reigned in because of money anyway. That's lame. I mean, sure, we could have done a pot luck wedding but it's just not what we had in mind. We're fancy and we're gonna take this one-time opportunity to do something a little fancy and overboard.
I had rules about who I was able to invite and I already overlooked a few of those but I think it's ok. They're my rules so I can break them if I want to.
Can I live stream the wedding? Then everyone can be there.
People best send their RSVPs though! Don't waste that stamp!

I don't know the point here. Take what you will from it. 

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