Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Not something a kid should have to worry about...

My little buddy Karam wrote this and I wanted to share because it's awesome.

My motherland, My Nation, Iraq

5 year's have passed from that day
On her great soil did they lay,
Crimson fires, destruction and death
as I sat there holding my breath.
How can this be? Why God? Why?
My brothers and sisters look up to the sky,
To see bright explosions , but it was no Fourth of July.
Ten deaths today, a thousand tomorrow
Hail to the Chief who feels no sorrow.
It's come to Blood for oil
Spilled on the desert soil
in the cradle of civilization
My motherland, my nation
Will I ever see the land of my men?
Not until they leave.
Only then.

They pull the trigger, another death from a bomb
Is Iraq Arabic for Vietnam?

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