Friday, December 28, 2007

Quick reviews

I am Legend- B+. It's cool! Will Smith is the guy you want if there's pretty much only one guy in your movie. Katie almost had a stroke but a NORMAL person can handle the movie. It was fun.

Omega Man- D-. Pile of crap. I watched it in high school and somehow it must have gotten worse... I don't remember it even being that bad. Charlie is NOT the guy you want in your movie. He just stares at himself and gets naked all the time.
Wild Hogs- B+, It's kind of what you expect but funnier. William H. Macy is so cute, and John C. Reilly is like the sprinkles on top. He's that extra secondary character that makes a movie memorable. They got the right combination of comedy so that the movie wasn't just lame jokes.
Ratatouille- A-, At one point I was laughing to hard I was crying. (But not like when I was watching Omega Man.) The little rats are very cute and the main human character is just fun. He's kind of an idiot but in a nice endearing way.
Dexter (TV)- A+, I'm almost done with season 1 and it's just one of the greatest shows ever. Most of the other characters are generally irritating at times but Dexter is the ideal television character. I love him. It's on Showtime so I'll have to wait until season 2 comes out on DVD.

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