Frankly it wasn't anything overly memorable but there were high points.
I saw the new Friday the 13th on Valentine's Day. Just how I like my V-day. Bloody.
As always is the case, the movie was inferior to the newest Halloween but there were good things.
Jason was actually pretty scary! I haven't seen them all but he's often more pitiful than scary. You can't see his face but it's almost like you can feel the desperation coming out of him. This time he was bigger, badder, and much more Michael-like. Jason's always been a little more emotional than Michael. Michael is mechanical, Jason is a messed up momma's boy.
With that said, all the prey was more retarded than ever before with a couple exceptions. They are all stupid kids that deserve to die for the most part. There's a few that have remotely redeeming qualities, the "funny" guy is almost charming, and...yeah it's best just to wait until they die. The worst character gets the best moment though so that's something.
Overall it's not too bad, but it's sad that this is the best we seem to be able to do. Tolerable characters can die too Mr. Bay! It might make it better if we care if one or two die.
If nothing else, Jason was an improvement over what I've seen in the past so I was pleased.
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