Saturday, October 17, 2009

The End is Nigh.

I’ve just decided that in the event of a zombie/vampire plague outbreak thing I should like to go live in Coors Field. It seems like a very reasonable place to go if such a thing happens. It is very fort like if you think about it.
There are big gates to keep the creatures out. Even if they do get past the gates I imagine they would have trouble with the turnstiles. Even high functioning people have problems with those. There are lots of places to hide underground. Assuming this happens during baseball season you’d be set for life with nachos and beer. If you can keep a generator running you’d never run out of Rockie Dogs. I’m thinking I’d put up some sort of “I’m not undead” flag or something at the top. Just in case someone flew over and didn’t know I was lounging out in centerfield.
There would be plenty of room for any other not undead people if anyone remembers that that’s where I’ll be.

I’m currently watching the original Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price. I love him. Last night I watched the original House on Haunted Hill, also with Vincent Price. He’s just one of the coolest people ever to live. House on Haunted Hill was interesting in comparison with the new one. It was actually much creepier than I thought it would be but much less gross than the new one. No surprise there. There’s one giant difference between the two which I thought was interesting but I don’t want to ruin it for people that haven’t seen them.
I’m making my way through my birthday present from Katie, the Collector’s Edition Horror Movie Classics in the screaming box. It’s an awesome collection. We’ve got Horror Hotel with Christopher Lee—I’ve seen it before, House on Haunted Hill, The Last Man on Earth, Night of the Living Dead, Dementia 13—I actually had this one on a different DVD and watched it the other day, crappy quality but not too bad. I’m glad I have this one though, it’s probably less fuzzy, Nightmare Castle, The Terror—this one I had on another DVD also, but again the quality sucked. It stars Boris Karloff and a very young Jack Nicholson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde which I saw my last semester at Ft. Hays, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari—this one is a silent film that I saw a few years ago. It’s surprisingly interesting. Last but not least is Nosferatu. I’ve been meaning to see Nosferatu for years now since it’s one of the earliest vampire movies.

For the moment, I move on to Night of the Living Dead. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it. I’d enjoy it more if it was gloomy but the stupid sun is shining right in my big windows so oh well. At least my mood is already gloomy if that helps at all.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Another one for Audra.

What is your current obsession? Getting rid of all of my belongings and getting to another country.

What do you hate the most that everybody else seems to love? Macs. They are devil machines and will kill us all.

What are you wearing today? Since I FINALLY took a shower...a white skirt and a turquoise shirt.

What's for dinner? I'm going to go get something fried even if it does kill me.

What would you eat for your last meal? Hotdogs. I really think it would be hotdogs.

What's the last thing you bought? Spiffy new couch.

What are you listening to right now? The traffic on 9th.

What do you think of the person that tagged you? You know... she's my chair cushion.

If you could have a house, fully paid for, and totally furnished anywhere in the world, where would it be? I have no idea. Maybe on a non-hurricaney beach somewhere.

What is one of your hobbies? Movies. Watching. Discussing. Critiquing.

What are 3 things that annoy you most? 1.ignorance 2. intolerance 3. people with no sense of humor

What is your favorite color? Lime green has been making more of an appearance lately. Always like the magenta pinkys and anything else super bright.

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe? my newish green, white, and black splatter shirt. It's so cool.

What is your dream job? Getting paid to watch movies or talk to people.

Describe your personal style. I do not have a personal style. That would require consistency.

What are you going to do after this? Think I'm gonna brush my teeth and go to Sonic.

What is your favorite "happy hour" at Sonic? Not a clue. But...what a coincidence eh?

What inspires you? Stories. And hating my job.

Who was the last person you kissed? Javier

What are you currently reading? Just finished "Mother Tongue" and I think I might start Huckleberry Finn.

What delighted you most today? Watching Bride and Prejudice and dancing around to Lata when it was over.

By what criteria do you judge a person? By how they interact with strangers. That's how you see what they want others to see.

The rules: 1. Respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own.

I don't like the Sonic question but....wait I have one...

If you could suddenly be the best at any given talent, what would it be?
You know, I didn't expect my own answer but I think it would be writing. If I was the best writer ever I could do just about anything. And then write about it.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Kansas...Hays, Kansas.

I have returned to the plains. And what glorious plains they are.
At this moment it is 100* and thankfully only 23% humidity.
I am currently lounging with my gato Malcolm at the house of McGyver. It's lovely and he's happily purring away, happy that at least one of his women is attending to his needs.
Today, Katie and I went to The Mall and had Mall chinese food (best ever) and got our nails done. Katie got a sensible reddish color and my claws are now the neon-est of neon greens. It's fabulous!
Yesterday I had to send Lindsay back home to Kansas City so she could hop a plane to the other home, Boston. We only got one whole day together but we know how to make the best of a day. On Tuesday we had Guiterrez...I had a strawberry colada, which is a surprising favorite of mine. That night we did our usual. We ate even more food, drank more booze, and watched movies. Eric came to join us and remind us why there is only one Eric in the world. He can relate any movie credits to Big Bird, a foreign phrase of some sort, or some other kind of complete BS that he has made up. He starts stories in the middle and never seems to notice we're making fun of him until we point it out. Everyone should have an Eric.
The next morning Lindsay and I enjoyed a Days Inn continental breakfast and I went for a swim. As we were just about to leave the pool three noisy, bouncy little he-gremlins came galloping in with their pop and he mentioned something about destroying the peace and quiet. I told him that I had gotten my fill of it and then we debated with the boys about whether or not there were fish in the pool. (There were. They were painted on the side...but the argument is fun to make with small boys.---It's not REAL! I'm touching it!)
Our most important plan for the day was to go see Harry Potter. We were successful. It was amazing. Just like it was the first time. Just like it will be the third time. We also enjoyed superb Chinese and wandered The Mall...even venturing in to a couple of the pre-teen whore stores.
We revisited another old favorite hang out-- Walmart, where I bought a new camera. Happy birthday me.
There was a semi-History Club gathering at Gellas, which was also as magnificent as ever. We were joined by Dr. Goodlett, Eric, and Jarrod. (Katie was absent from ALL of this because she was off getting a job in Indy. Uncool but we dealt with it.) Dr. Goodlett (aka- Uncle Dave) was impressed by our fine speech and motor skills after a certain amount of alcohol. I'm not sure if he was disappointed or not... Then back to the Days Inn with the boys for more movies, snacks, and booze. I just can't think of anything better. The accomodations could be better, the refreshments could be better, there could be additional company, but the general idea is about as good as it gets. We watched The Lair of the White Worm. I HIGHLY recommend it for nights of boozing and snacking.
On Thursday we made time for a quick trip to campus to pick up Sheena Beena for lunch at Gutch's; stopped by to say hello to Dr. Cummins as well, always a joy.
Then Lindsay was away to the east. Before she left in the van-beast we chatted about our future Hays plans, which consist of buying a house and coming here for months at a time.
Tonight's plans are also an old standard. Larks baseball and evening drinks. Another of those things on the list of stuff that can't truly be improved upon. I hope to see more of the folks that are still left here to be seen and I hope the Larks keep up their momentum and WIN tonight!

Until then, I shall remain here with gato. He is bearing his belly for me...purring and waiting.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Long time, no blog.

I know no one cares but I feel like I should be here more often.
My big day has come and gone. I now have 4 less teeth jabbing me in the brain. On Thursday I got 3 wisdom teeth and a broken tooth pulled. It was a horrifying prospect but I barely even noticed they were digging around in there. I saw Dr. Johnson for all of about 1 minute. Still not sure if he was even there for any of it or not.
I'm recovering and it's going very well. I had virtually no face swelling and I only took my percocet as a precaution. I haven't had any fun trippy times with all my drugs, which is a bit disappointing but they don't seem to have much effect on me anyway. Oh well. It was a possible perk but I will soon be mostly pain free so that'll do instead.
I'm still getting used to the holes in my mouth and am starting to get pretty hungry. Some of my girls took me out yesterday for biscuits and gravy. It was good but not nearly as good as grandma's gravy. I've been quite happy with mashed taters and jello so far. Taco Bell isn't too much farther down the list. Must have something with flavor!
Mom and J are off galavanting so I'm here taking care of the creatures and they will NOT leave me alone. Lola stays at my feet and Stowie stays on me in any possible position, or just curls up in my arm pit. I think they put a spell on me to make me sleep more just so they can sit on me for hours at a time. They are both curled up here as we speak. Lola is probably getting bored but she goes out to protect us from squirrels on occassion. Stowie is in a ball, purring up a storm.

As for the face, it's pretty good. Still can feel it a bit but it's just so nice that they aren't there any more. I'm resting while I can and remembering to take my pills. I think they are making my skin numb but that's a whole different thing perhaps.

I have a new apartment update coming I suppose but I'm not ready for that yet. I'll try to get some pictures soon for those interested!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Not something a kid should have to worry about...

My little buddy Karam wrote this and I wanted to share because it's awesome.

My motherland, My Nation, Iraq

5 year's have passed from that day
On her great soil did they lay,
Crimson fires, destruction and death
as I sat there holding my breath.
How can this be? Why God? Why?
My brothers and sisters look up to the sky,
To see bright explosions , but it was no Fourth of July.
Ten deaths today, a thousand tomorrow
Hail to the Chief who feels no sorrow.
It's come to Blood for oil
Spilled on the desert soil
in the cradle of civilization
My motherland, my nation
Will I ever see the land of my men?
Not until they leave.
Only then.

They pull the trigger, another death from a bomb
Is Iraq Arabic for Vietnam?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Friday the 13th...before I forget.

Frankly it wasn't anything overly memorable but there were high points.
I saw the new Friday the 13th on Valentine's Day. Just how I like my V-day. Bloody.

As always is the case, the movie was inferior to the newest Halloween but there were good things.

Jason was actually pretty scary! I haven't seen them all but he's often more pitiful than scary. You can't see his face but it's almost like you can feel the desperation coming out of him. This time he was bigger, badder, and much more Michael-like. Jason's always been a little more emotional than Michael. Michael is mechanical, Jason is a messed up momma's boy.

With that said, all the prey was more retarded than ever before with a couple exceptions. They are all stupid kids that deserve to die for the most part. There's a few that have remotely redeeming qualities, the "funny" guy is almost charming, and...yeah it's best just to wait until they die. The worst character gets the best moment though so that's something.

Overall it's not too bad, but it's sad that this is the best we seem to be able to do. Tolerable characters can die too Mr. Bay! It might make it better if we care if one or two die.

If nothing else, Jason was an improvement over what I've seen in the past so I was pleased.

Somebody had a birthday and I was there.

My wee little sister is now my wee grown-up sister. Technically. I went to Kansas last week to celebrate her 21st birthday. It's always exciting to visit Hays but this was more stupendous of course. There was much birthday hoopla. We FINALLY played Trivial Pursuit. We all got drunk and there was dancing. I still am not walking properly but I'd do it all again right this very second if I could.
I added some crazy decor to Katie's room while she was at work, and the tiara made the rounds on party night. There are more incriminating pictures for those curious.
Malcolm was getting in the party mood. There were things dangling from the ceiling and everything!!
Those wild librarians. They can party it up I tell ya.
HUG HUG HUG!! DRUNKEN HUG! And the dancing began.
I've got the little boys in Kansas but these are my bigger boys, Jarrod and Eric. Also weird, but taller than the gremlins.
Still standing after all that dancing and drinking.

I barely got a chance to make it out to see the little ones but I did get there for a little while. Jordan's birthday is coming up to so I took birthday present to him. It's a crazy marble get-up. You put it together and the marbles swirl around and it's pretty cool. Tanner was interested until we got it put together and Jordan was otherwise occupied until we were done putting it together. It's just the way they work. And always in their underwear.

The birthday boy has been getting some loot out of the tooth fairy as well as you can see. He looks a little like Frankenstein's monster here for some if there was a baby monster. There should be.
Overall, the trip was magnificent and I'm going to write more about my friends because it physically hurts me to leave them. I needed more time. I always need more time.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Rules of Kansas

I got this at work one day when I was feeling grumpy. It cheered me right up!
This sums up all that is great and frightening about Kansas .
Fort Hays didn’t make me love god but they tried their best.

Rules of KANSAS
1. Pull your droopy pants up. You look like an idiot.
2. Let's get this straight; it's called a 'gravel road.' No matter how slow you drive, you're going to get dust on your Lexus. Drive it or get out of the way.
3. They are cattle. That's what they smell like to you. They smell like money to us. Get over it. Don't like it? I-70 goes east and west, and Hwy 75 goes north and south, and the Kansas Turnpike goes cattywonka. Pick one.
4. So you have a $60,000 car. We're impressed. We have $250,000 combines that are driven only 3 weeks a year.
5. So every person in every pickup waves. It's called being friendly. Try to understand the concept.
6. If that cell phone rings while a bunch of ducks are coming in, we WILL shoot it out of your hand. You better hope you don't have it up to your ear at the time.
7. Yeah, we eat KANSAS BEEF & corn on the cob. You really want sushi & caviar? It's available at the corner bait shop.
8. The 'Opener' refers to the first day of deer season. It's a religious holiday held the closest Saturday to the first of December.
9. We open doors for women. That is applied to all women, regardless of age.
10. No, there's no 'vegetarian special' on the menu. Order steak. Or you can order the Chef's Salad and pick off the 2 pounds of ham & turkey.
11. When we fill out a table, there are three main dishes: meats, vegetables, and breads. We use three spices: salt, pepper, and ketchup.
12. You bring 'coke' into my house, it better be brown, wet, and served over ice. You bring 'Mary Jane' into my house, she better be cute, know how to shoot, drive a truck, and have long hair.
13. K-State and KU College and high school basketball is as important here as the Lakers and the Knicks, and a dang site more fun to watch.
14. Yeah, we have golf courses. But don't hit the water hazards -- it spooks the fish.
15. Colleges? Try K-State or, KU, Fort Hays or Emporia State or Washburn. They come outta there with an education plus a love for God and country, and they still wave at passing pickups when they come for the holidays.
16. We have lots of folks in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines, so don't Mess with Kansas. If you do, you will get whipped by the best.

Ah, good old midwestern folk. :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Book

I have finally updated The Book on my webpage!
Philip has been harassing me to do so for months and whatever Phil wants, Phil gets.
There's quite a lot of nonsense there so don't get lost.

Go to my webpage and look for The Book button on the left, or just go here:

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

GLAAD: Thank Campbell's for LGBT-Inclusive Ads!

I hadn't seen this before, but I think it's really awesome! I think it's important to tell them that we (those like-minded individuals) are happy to see their support of LGBT families. It's a nice change to say thank you to someone so I suggest you do! And stock up on the soup while you're at it!

Dear Friends,While GLAAD has been hard at work fighting defamation against our community in media this year, anti-gay activists continue to put time and money into targeting media that show our lives and community in a fair and accurate way. This month, the anti-gay American Family Association showed their “holiday spirit” by demanding their constituents respond to a LGBT-inclusive advertising campaign released by the Campbell Soup Company.The ads for Swanson broth ran in the national LBGT news magazine The Advocate. The campaign, entitled “Home for the Holidays,” features a lesbian couple with their son and lists Swanson broth as a key element in the family’s annual Feast of the Seven Fishes Christmas Eve celebration. The ad was met with an alert from the AFA that called for e-mails and phone calls attacking the Campbell Soup Company, which owns Swanson’s, for acknowledging that gay people “constitute a family and are worthy of support.”

Check out our post on glaadBLOG for a copy of the ad and resulting media coverage:

We cannot let anti-gay forces intimidate our allies and block possitive images of our community. We commend Campbell’s for being inclusive of all families and ask that you too thank them for being fair and inclusive of our lives by e-mailing Campbell Soup President Douglas Conant and Director of Corporate Communications Anthony Sanzio. Follow up with a phone call to the Campbell Soup Company and Swanson and let them know you appreciate their support for LGBT families.

Douglas Conant, President

Anthony Sanzio, Dir. of Corporate Communications

Campbell Soup Company 1-800-257-8443


As we enter 2009, anti-gay forces continue to try and silence our community and make us invisible. We must tell our stories, ensure that media is inclusive of our community, and remind people of the common ground that we all share now more than ever. GLAAD’s media advocacy and anti-defamation work is so vital and your support is so necessary. Our organization exists because of generosity of people like you and we need your support now more than ever at this critical time in the movement.

PLEASE DON'T STOP GIVING. End the year by telling Campbell’s their ads are “mmm mmm good” and help GLAAD fight anti-gay defamation and promote LGBT-inclusive media.

On behalf of GLAAD, thank you for your support.

Your role in our alliance strengthens us and renews our hope for 2009.

In service,

Neil Giuliano

Media Advocacy.

Fighting Defamation.

Changing Hearts & Minds.

Visit to learn more.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

A little momento from home.

Destination USA: Volga Heritage

I don't think I posted this before. I can't figure out how to get the video to my blog so you'll just have to go take a look.
My boss, my other mom, and one of my favorite hangout places are all there. :)