Starring Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, and David Bowie. (Seriously.)
Good Friday night fun I thought. It has lots of twists and crazy stuff going on. I found myself figuring out the secrets just moments before they told me.
I hear it's similar to The Illusionist, however I don't recall Hugh, Christian or Michael in The Illusionist. I'd certainly recommend at least renting this if you don't get to see it in the theatre. I was pleasantly surprised that I got to.
What else have I been watching lately?
-The Wolf Man (1941) Starring Lon Cheney Jr. A fun classic! I really liked this, and Lon Cheney is just super.
- The Howling, starring Dee Wallace Stone (aka- Mom from E.T.) Very 80's but surprisingly entertaining. Very creepy in a um...ok sort of way sometimes, but I still liked it. Probably don't want to watch it if you don't like good old 80's horror.
- Silver Bullet, starring Gary Busey and a tiny Corey Haim. Even lamer 80's fun. Totally Saturday afternoon movie. Same advice as above.
- Wolf, starring Jack Nicholson, James Spader and Michelle Pfeifer. How Michelle got hired after this I do not know. I hope whoever wrote the script got fired. "You think I can't get bacon?" That shouldn't be said. Spader is quite hillarious, Jack is ok. Keep your eyes open for David Schwimmer....bet you didn't know he was in this.
- Van Helsing, starring Hugh Jackman, David Wenham, Richard Roxburgh. Had potential. They should have killed the woman in the first (maybe second) scene and just had Van Helsing and Dracula have it out. Then it would have been much better. I had a good time watching it because the monsters are excellent (with the exception of the Harpies, soooo anoying). This contains my favourite werewolf next to Remus Lupin. (I did a speech on werewolves if you were wondering what the deal is.)
- Where the Truth Lies, starring Kevin Bacon and Colin Firth. Terrible. A few moments of entertainment surrounded in crap.
- The Snapper, Irish movie that Colm Meaney and Brendan Gleeson can't make good enough to watch again. Very annoying.
- The Muppets Show, Season 1. It's a bit slow in places and you can ALMOST get Muppet overload (thought I did watch it for days at a time) but it's just terrific.
- I'm still making my way through the Bond collection. I'm on Diamonds are Forever now. (Plenty O'Toole HAHAHA, who writes this crap?) I skipped Goldeneye because my DVD didn't work but I'll fit it in somewhere. The last few have not been very impressive.
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