So here's the thing...all* of my English teachers are so pompous and arrogant it makes me kind of want to kick them.
Do they not realize how utterly ridiculous they sound? Not just English profs of course, I'd say a majority of professors are like this. At least the men are. The women tend to be much better about not sounding like complete fools.
Professor A: If something is not academic then it automatically has less value than something that is academic. If he thinks it's a good idea then it's a good idea. If he thinks it's a bad idea then it's a bad idea. So out of touch with anything non-academic that I think he might actually be crazy.
Professor B: So-called grammatical errors can be "bad form". Grammar is life, it matters so much to the harmony of life. Does he realize how ridiculous this sounds?? Because I do! Decent grammar is nice, but when you think the placement of a comma is of the highest importance then you are an idiot. (I do realize what you do for a living by the way. :) But I'm speaking of the academic side of this crap. Totally overdone.)
One prof likes things one way and another likes them different. These guys cannot actually keep themselves from saying some haughty remark, or huffing in a disapproving way to illustrate that they think that other prof is silly.
Question: Who the fuck cares?
The whole point of any of this is to be able to successfully communicate something (thought, idea, whatever) to someone else and have them understand. I am perfectly capable of doing that without all my commas accounted for.
I can articulte and explain a good many things to more people than many of my "lettered" professors. You may know big words, and you may know when to use who and whom but no one wants to listen to someone who thinks they are smarter than everyone else.
(* By all, I mean most.)
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