You mean you can be fat AND happy? Hmm...weird. I just assumed that you should be ashamed of yourself for being unworthy of skinny respect. Well, way to go! You just keep your head up fatty. You're so brave. ("Fat" of course means anyone that looks like they've ever eaten bread. Most people would call it "normal", but that's a bit of a stretch I'm afraid.)
Tonight's episode of Cold Case was about a suave (hot) guy who scams undesirable women. He finds fat women, charms them because they are desperate, and then he steals all their money. Later on he starts marrying them and killing them, he makes more money that way.
This show brought to mind the fact that skinny girls and fat girls are from completely alternate universes. Though us fat girls are superior to skinny girls in several ways, we will always be generally defective. There are fat girls that are just as pretty as skinny girls, but skinny is still skinny; it's what society prefers.
There's this emphasis on "real beauty" and whatnot lately. That's lovely and all but they're just frosting the cake to feed to the over-eaters. It doesn't actually mean anything. It just makes people feel better. It's like when they put minority, handicapped children in catalogs. It looks nice. Have a look around...I don't see any fat, hispanic, wheelchair bound, women on TV. I see girls with shiny hair, flawless skin, and pointy shoes, wearing a size 4. None of my friends look like that.
I suggest a girl who is maybe a giant size 12, with uncooperative hair, tennis shoes, and jeans. What's wrong with normal? There are a few TV females with personality, but they go overboard. If she doesn't look like the pointy-shoed types then she's a nut case. But hey she's quirky!
I will say this--the quirky ones and the pointy-shoes with all their lip gloss tend to be somewhat smart. So, we are women, we are judged on our looks but at least the men and television show writers now achnowledge that we do have brains. Isn't that sweet of them.