Starring Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, Mads Mikkelsen, and Eva Green.
001. I've seen it twice and I'll see it again.
002. Daniel Craig is SO Bond it's ridiculous, he was made for this movie. Also, he's hot.
003. Villain with an inhaler? Questionable, and kind of funny, but at least he has a physical deformity to make up for that weird detail. Plus he's also hot in real life, not so much in the movie though.
004. Bond girl--I've seen better.
005. Definitely flawed, and a bit too drawn out at the end but awesome all the same. This was close, but the next one should be Bond at its best.
006. A card game has never been so thrilling.
007. The best moment is the very last shot in the movie, and the torture scene is my favourite torture scene of all time. It's fantastic.