My yummy salad for dinner was pretty satisfactory but I can smell people grilling and it's becoming a little less awesome. Oh well. Tomorrow I will stuff myself with IHOP and then I will be quite content. As most people know, anything IHOP makes me happy. Christina will be joining in on the fun and she's excited so that makes me more excited. It's nice to share the joy with new people who I find worthy.
I'm thinking I might go Belgian and get a waffle. We shall see. Some weeks I really put a lot of thought in to my Thursday outing. It's the highlight of my week. I might as well make the best of it right? But long as the magnificent bringer of the food is there I don't care what else happens. He is why we can't go anywhere else. <3
I don't particularly have anything else terribly interesting to report because I'm all focused on my Thursday. But if something comes up then I'll report. Unless of course it's really good...then I won't. :) I'll update those who NEED to know.
Time for kettle corn and Demolition Man. I've seen it on TV in bits and pieces a dozen times but never seen it all. I love it.
Oh...I invented a new word- Technotasking. It's like multitasking but with technology. I can multitask with technology but I've taken it to a new level here.
I am currently watching an instant movie on Netflix on my computer and I'm blogging and Facebooking on mom's. I could have something else going on on another screen I'm sure but I don't have another one. If there was a baseball game on I could be doing that too. This is all I need right now I think. Whatever gets me to tomorrow.
I hope it thunders!
(Oops...technotasking gone awry!! My laptop just turned itself off. Like it does. Dammit! Am I not meant to watch Sly or what??)
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