Friday, May 16, 2008

California did something right.

That's pretty cool. I guess they don't do everything wrong but it's just a weird place.

I'll be there in a week to visit Audra, which is very exciting.

I'll just be missing Long Beach Pride though. I suspect this year will be even more spectacular since those who wish to do so can LEGALLY GET MARRIED!! Take that you homophobic fuckheads. It will surely add some festive feelings to the party.

Getting married is still a weird thing to do but not allowing people to make that disasterous decision on their own is against every god damn thing our country is supposed to be gung-ho about. Other states will soon follow and those that are against it can just sew their lips shut.

1 comment:

Audra said...

Glad to hear you are back safe and sound. I had a great time and I hope that you did too. Give mom a hug for me and I will call you later some time...oh by the way, I left that post card with you...feel like mailing it?