Just so I'm clear, these are in fact MY opinions of pros and cons. By no means do I speak for anyone else.
John Edwards: I voted for him last time so he's got a slight lead on the others this time.
Pros: He's young! He might actually know what the hell I was talking about if I said something to him about ANYTHING I do on a regular basis.
Excellent record for women's rights, and gay rights (though he opposes gay marriage...of course).
He discusses practical things like education and health care just as much as he talks about the war.
He is also very present online, and has a lot of information on his webpage.
I've liked him since long before the last election when I saw him on C-SPAN talking about affordable education, and how crippling it is for students to graduate into a mountain of debt.
Cons: Having some current issues with hypocricy. Yay middle class, yay expensive hair cut! I don't really care what the guy does with his hair, but it doesn't look very good.
He's a lawyer. They are all lawyers but he's made a ton of money at it. That means that someone probably get screwed along the way. Not cool.
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I am a big John fan. I think he would like to do things to change the bigger picture rather than bandaid the issues. Everyone wants a quick fix right now. Bring the soldiers home, impeach Cheney, get Bush out and it'll all be ok! Well, that's not gonna work. You can't go in, smash a country to bits and then leave it that way. We need to fix some shit first so that the civilians who are left alive have a change at a normal existence, THEN we can get the hell out. He's aware of this.
In addition to that he's a personable guy, he has cute children, and he's handsome--very presidential look. He'd look great on a stamp. Can you picture George on a stamp? No way.
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