We didn't win the Powerball last night. Neither did any of you poor suckers.
But it makes one ponder...what exactly would you DO with 500 million dollars?
I have this journal that I write things in stating what I'd do if money was no object. The realistic things, not the ridiculous things. There's a difference even if you do have millions of dollars. I thought of one yesterday while I was pushing my cart at work and I thought to myself "I gotta remember this to put in my book! I'm gonna forget...I gotta remember."
I forgot.
I don't have the book in front of me at the moment but at least one thing in there is- Kitten Sanctuary. Because, kittens.
(Which reminds me of my dream last night which felt like HOURS of tornadoes...but I was going to the neighbors house and throwing all their cats in the basement to save them. They didn't seem to care about the impending windy doom but I tried anyway. There were so many.)
First thing's first- I'd find a house. Don't know where, maybe here. There's one for 16 million just outside town...I don't think I'd dig that one though. I want a house with sections and nooks and stuff. I don't know how to describe it other than...like a fancy Weasley house. But, you know, ranch style. Can I just buy the Weasley house and reassemble it??
I like my current car so I don't really need a new one of those until it dies of very old age. I could paint it though! I could make a Rockies mobile or something. That would be awesome. Todd-mobile! I wouldn't mind having a couple classic cars. 57 Chevy Bel Air, preferably hot pink with sparkles, and a 67 Impala--black, obviously.
Jason would like a hearse so we'd probably look for one of those too.
Once I moved in to my Weasley home, and bought some real furniture and stuff, I'd get a doggy and a kitty and they'd be friends.
I saw the cutest little curly haired doggy this morning with a little coat on with bear ears. He was with his person who was a relatively large darker skinned guy (which I mention because it's not what comes to mind in Boulder and I'm painting you a word picture here) with funky pants and pinky heart sunglasses on. He had a jaunty walk. I liked his little dog a lot. They looked fun.
Oh I'd pay off my student loans, I guess. That would be nice. I have minimal debt other than that, since my Target credit limit is low. What I wouldn't give to have it go away. It's less than many have but it's more than I can deal with so it's not getting paid any time soon. Take that, Navient. SUFFER!
Of course, I'd want to help out my friends, family, and community but THAT would take much reflection and decision making to do the best thing. I'd start college/life experience funds for a few young folks I know, for sure. Past that, I'd have to give it a lot of thought. I have ideas. Some of them are in my book.
Do I open businesses? Probably. Do I buy property? Probably. Do I start non-profits and find the perfect committed people to run them? Probably.
In theory, I'd stay here at Boulder County until they replaced me. They CAN NOT do this without me, period.
I'd go visit all my friends & throw a big party & buy a new god damn phone.
What would you do?