Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Happy Anniversary!

I met my honey for the first time 2 years ago today. We planned to meet up on Sunday at Ziggi's, but Jason forgot that it was Easter and had to figure out how to not stand me up on our first dateish and not ditch the family and 3 little girls on Easter. I told him not to worry about it, just come by Ziggi's for a little bit in the morning and then go do the family thing. It worked.
We talked, had coffee, and went for a walk. We still do that a lot.
We have a lot more fun together than we do apart. Even though life at the moment is kinda like the movie we're watching...Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day...it'll get better. 
Also....6 months and 3 days until the wedding. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Our year.

This is supposed to be our year. The Lion & the Lamb. But so far it sucks.
That's what happens when you move every month I guess.
We thought it would be good and then it wasn't.
We thought it would get better and it did.
Then it got worse. Then it got horrible. Then it got unbelievable.
We're in the midst of the bad, we continue to lose everything we're working for, we are puppets being pulled in several directions. But....I still think it will get better. (It must.)
I definitely won't say it can't get worse because it certainly can but we live in freaking America and our worst day is a moderately not great day other places.
Even so, please bring on the better for us and all those that need it.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Update on previous post

If you read my post about the Metaphysical Fair, you'll remember I talked about my kitty but didn't have a photo.
So here she is. Cutest ever. Thomasina the little ginger.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Best text ever?

From an unknown number, of course.

11:24 on a Saturday morning:
"Hello, excuse me for being so blunt, you have done acid before, correct?"

Good morning to you too.

(We figured out who it was but still bizarre/hilarious.)

I've got so many things to blog about that I don't really know where to start. So I'll just leave it at this for now.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Enough horrificness already.

Longmont isn't perfect but it's usually not completely insane either.
Multiple stabbings in one day is a bit ridiculous. It wasn't kids, it wasn't a drunken brawl, it wasn't the regular nonsense that goes on outside the bars on Main St.
The 2 people behind this crap both are unquestionably mentally ill. I can tell you from very close experience that the mental health people in this county have their hands full. They definitely failed a lot of people this week. It's the system at fault, not the people.
Event #1 was a situation in which a parent was not able to see his child because of protective orders and whatnot. He flipped out and attempted to kill both his parents and himself. He succeeded on 2 counts but his mother is supposed to make it. It seems like some checking in might be in order when someone is already unstable and you then take away their child. A little talking to might have given him time to calm down and he, and his father, might still be alive.
Event #2 is even worse. A woman went to a home to look at baby clothes that were advertised on Craigslist. She was beaten, stabbed, and the 7-months-along baby was removed from her body. The attacker then went to the ER with the baby claiming she had a miscarriage. Not normal by any definition. If there was a disagreement or argument or something to cause some violence then...it's not completely unthinkable that someone could get hurt. Maybe even stabbed. But you have to be a real piece of work to lure a pregnant woman to your home, attack her, and take her baby out of her. That's some movie kind of shit. Then to claim it's your own baby? Something is broken within this person. I read that she did lose a child at some point so I'd kind of assume she's never recovered from that. How is someone so unbalanced making it through life with nobody noticing something is wrong? How is this her option? Not to promote kidnapping or something but if she was trying to sort of "replace" her lost child then there are less violent things that would come to mind even for someone who isn't quite right. I don't even know. This all happened just up the street from where we live.

My brain usually processes awful things quite well, but I just don't get it this time. I left work a little early today because I just wanted to come home to familiar insanity. On the way back the traffic was backed up and I figured it was from the train or something but then I saw all the lights, heard all the sirens, and drove right by the mangled remains of a minivan. It looked like it had been dragged down the road on it's side. All the windows were broken out, all the contents of the van were strewn all over the road, and it was hard to even tell how many cars were involved because things were so suddenly hectic. It looked like they may have veered off the road so maybe it was just the one car involved and the others had just stopped to help. But....that pretty much solidified my desire to sit in the bathtub and cry with an ice cream cone. I got the cone but I haven't sat in the tub yet so I guess I must feel better now that I'm home. Kinda.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Celebration Metaphysical Fair

Jason and I met up with a friend and went to the Metaphysical Fair in Denver today.
I've been twice before but there's always something to see there. It's worth a few bucks just for the people watching. I'll sometimes buy some stones or cards or a trinket of some sort but I don't really NEED most of what's there. It's mostly a lot of pretty.
Last year I bought a little bottle of Muscle Regeneration oil from Ravenscroft Escentials. We went to her talk about oils and aromatherapy and it was delicious. I would snort this oil if I could. It smells heavenly. I sniff it just as often as I actually use it on my body. I wish it came in bathtub size. I'd buy more but I just can't afford $50+ for a little bottle of niceness. If I could afford that I'd do some kind of amazing drug or something. Anyway, it's awesome and if you're in to that sort of thing I definitely recommend her oils.

The first time I went was in 2013 with Jason, his mom, and his brother. We went to a guided meditation thing about finding a spirit guide. I think. That's what it ended up being even if that's not what was intended. The short version of that story is that I ended up in a city from Star Trek and discovered that my cat was my spirit guide. Conveniently, she could also talk. My mum has taken my USB drive hostage or I'd post a picture but I'll post one when I get it back cause that was a super cute kitty I had. Thomasina the little orange kitty.

Today, in the same exact room, we went to see the super and sassy Sherry Shone talk about accessing messages. She talked about getting information about yourself....from yourself. I know. Seems like people would have thought of this already but for some reason we don't. She talked a bit about tarot, visualization, and finding and using your portal. We talked about what our portals would look like. Jason said his was a sewer opening like in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; I said I imagined it more as a den opening. (Dragon's den, to be exact. Duh.) Our friend Neil I imagined as having a more rustic, and less whimsical, version of a hobbit hole. For myself, I mostly envisioned sparklyness. Like a stagate of otherwordly glitter. For a moment I saw a beaded curtain but then I upgraded I guess. I can't remember what Jason thought of for me. He'll have to comment if he remembers.
After we have a portal in mind, Sherry guides us to the portal. I closed my eyes and listened. She mentioned a path. I saw a forested area with a little path leading to an opening. It wasn't quite right but it worked for a start. Then she said "runway" and I immediately was moved right smack in the middle of an open and mostly empty airport runway. That was definitely not right.
I flipped through a few more mental flashes and finally settled on the right channel. Then I realized it was absolutely the Yellow Brick Road.
Not a big shock if you know me, but not what I would have predicted, I suppose. There was still some forest around but it was more open then in the beginning. I walked toward the shimery glitter portal and I couldn't help but be reminded of Glinda's dress.

We opened up our eyes and came back to the non-portal world. When we returned again, we imagined a "rope" to anchor on this side of the portal in case we need it to guide us back. It's whatever grounds us on this side, I guess you could say, so you don't get lost in the portal realm.
I have a pretty clear image of the "rope" but I can't think of where it's from. It's like a translucent shimmering rope. It was attached on one side like a little harness and leash to Thomasina, my guiding orange kitty, and the other end was attached to me. So when I needed to return I'd have my kitty to lead me back. It's fitting that she'd come with me on the path. I also saw my little orange doggy but she was just there as my little love, not as my guide.

I thought it was interesting that my kitty appeared again but it makes perfect sense. She was there before, so certainly she should be there again.
After all this, we looked at the tarot cards she had given us. One was quite clear, and the other took a little longer to figure out.

The first one, on the right, seemed to obviously be about my almost entirely unsatisfying work. That chick doesn't look overly enthused in her work. The one on the left I didn't know what to make of until later. What I took from it (after realizing the girl in the picture had my hair, which had been a topic earlier in the day) was that I needed to be more free. I mean, she's floating around grabbing stars with some neat sky horses while the other one is weaving something that makes her make that face.
So...not sure how I DO that but....there's the message I accessed! One step at a time...

Aside from the nice smelling essential oils class last year, I think this one was my favorite! Had I not been to the first one to find my kitty guide this one might not have been the same; but since I already love Sherry, this one wins anyway.
If you're interested in tarot or any of the other things Sherry can do, you should totally check it out here: http://sherryshone.wix.com/aboutme

Oh! She also mind controlled us to start clapping for no reason. Well done. xoxo

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Something I keep forgetting to ponder.

When Jason and I were trying to figure out where we were going to live we were looking at any and all options. We weren't sure if we were going to be able to stay together or if we'd have to live in 2 different places. The tip of the shitberg but it's not all relevant at the moment.
While searching I thought I'd get in touch with the St. Vrain Safe Shelter to see if they could give me any information on housing, temporary housing, programs or people who helped people in our situation or something.
I wrote a message and clarified in the first sentence that I was NOT in an abusive situation but that I was just looking for some help or information. I realize their purpose is to assist people in abusive situations but it seemed like a resource that might lead to some other information.
They never responded. Not one word. Apparently they aren't concerned if you aren't being abused. Seemed a little lame to me but I guess it doesn't matter now. Not sure I'd count on them to help if someone really needed them though. Maybe they're better at that though. I won't be needing their services. 

Monday, March 02, 2015

Longmont United Hospital CARES about you.

Yeah. Sure.
At the time I visited I had no insurance. I have since gotten insurance that's backdated enough to cover my visit. (Boulder County ~shock~ dropped the ball and didn't pass through my paperwork for ooohhh...10 months or so, even though I'd been approved for medical assistance.)
I called them over a month ago to tell them what my insurance # was so they could apply it to my bill. "We'll get that put through as soon as possible." Apparently a slight exaggeration. They still haven't done that. I sent the business office a message asking them again to correct this. They still haven't done that. I guess I'll try AGAIN and see if they can't put a little number in a system and avoid my stuff getting sent to god damn collections.