Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Why is Wild Kingdom playing in my head?

I dreamed about almost getting attacked by a gorilla. I was in their habitat thing at a zoo somewhere. One seemed to be kind of my friend...but the other did not approve. So grumpy gorilla was sitting there staring at me and growling/screaming at me. Like...viciously angry yelling. Just non-stop. I pretty much sat still and hoped someone with a distracting banana or something would wander by and notice my imminent death before he came over and ripped my face off my body.

Next... I was at the Wild Animal Sanctuary with my mommy. We were walking down a dirt path and a wolf thing was standing with it's feet up on the fence. I say "wolf thing" because it was dark pink and it's was about the same height as my mother. It crawled over the fence and started following us. We didn't really have anywhere to go so we just walked close to the fence. There were 2 elk or deer or some critters in front of us that it went after. It knocked them down and ripped the head off one of them with some nice sound effects...
It walked back to it's area carrying the head snack and as it went by it glared at us and said "Filthy..." as if to mock us for thinking it would actually lower itself to eat US. I have no idea why it was entirely pink. (Or why it could talk.)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dreaming of kitties

In the dream I'm pretty sure I was in Hays. (Limestone churches, anyone?)
I was looking for a place to live...fitting. Can't even get some sleep without looking for a place to live.
I stopped at this yard and saw a screwdriver under a window. It seemed to be that someone was going to try to break in later. So I picked it up and told the family through the window that they should check their windows and stuff. They thanked me and asked if there was anything they could do for me. I said I was looking for a place to live so if they knew of anything to let me know. They said they could help and invited me inside. I walked in to a laundry room thing at first and then through a door into a kitchen. But it wasn't JUST a kitchen. It was crawling with kittens and puppies.
It sounds kind of nice other than it was a realistic kitchen full of animals, not a dream one where nobody poops. Critters EVERYWHERE. On the counter, on the stove, sitting on my feet. Food piles all over the place. Poo all over the place. But they seemed ok with it so I just didn't really move, not that I could have with animals wound around my legs.
Then I looked down and saw a short-hair tabby, and a long-hair tabby. Almost identical to my kitties!! (I don't seem to have any pictures of Thomasina on my computer but here's Stowie with Lola.)

I snuggled them and loved them and they didn't seem to mind as much as they would have really. It was nice. I don't think they found me a place to live and I don't really remember if anything else happened but I got to snuggle kitties so whatever. 

I suspect it may have stemmed from looking at these two yesterday, who are at the Humane Society. 
The kitty is Worf (AWESOME...look at his forehead stripes) and the puppy is Marco. I want them both. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Blogging while TVing

I think it would just be called "Live Tweeting" on Twitter. But I don't really Twit so, here we are. Enjoy. Or not. I'm doing it anyway.

Scrubbing Bubbles commercial with the dirty puppy in the bathtub: I would also like to keep the puppy. But you expect me to believe someone with a bathroom the size of my living room actually cleans their own bathroom??

Don't Fear the Reaper!

I wonder if the squirrels will like not good corn bread bits.

I believe the neighbor hooligans are home. There's stomping. I don't know what they can be doing down there but there's bound to be some bouncing around when there seems to be like 6 people living in a 2 bedroom apartment.

This guy on Constantine I saw earlier on American Horror Story. But to me he'll always be Mr. Shickadance from Ace Ventura.

Complaining about bad tips on Facebook and tagging your business in it isn't a good way to get more tips...especially when you're not in a tip-heavy place. I always tip servers, housekeeping, and hair/nail people. I usually tip coffee people but it doesn't always happen. If I get something that takes less than a minute for you to do then don't expect a lot. If it's a more complex drink then I leave something. I don't tip at fast food even though they do things for me. Tipping is important but don't bitch too much because it won't do you any good.

Boy am I sleepy.

"You are the 7th son of the 7th son!"
Can you imagine Christmas? They don't even mention the daughters. I thought this "mud on my boots and jeans" commercial was either a spoof or detergent. Ford kinda lowered the bar.

Stand up for online bullying!

John Constantine is a bed hog.

So, if you're dating Tiger have to actually say "This is my boyfriend Tiger." Like, really.

I thought these pants had pockets.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


I dreamed that I met Bill Cosby at a bar. He was nice. There was no raping. But...still unsure about the whole real life scandal. We did not address that in the dream. Perhaps I was dreaming about who I hope Bill Cosby is?
I don't have much opinion on the matter other than I hope if he's guilty, then he'll get what he deserves and not make money off of it....and if he's not, then I hope he has a way to get this shit solved. I haven't looked in to the evidence, or lack of, so I can't say one way or another what the deal is. I know that celebrities are easy targets, but I also know that celebrities often get away with shit they shouldn't so...there's that.

I went to DQ tonight to get a treat before I picked up my honey.
Was it cold out? Yes. Did I wear my slippers? Yes. Did I crank my heater while I sat with the window open while I waited for ice cream? Sure did. This is why America is neat.

I'm trying to figure out where to have our wedding ceremony and the internet is super unhelpful. The internet is a cesspool of unhelpful crap. I remember a time when I could look things up and find FAR more information than I needed. Now I'm lucky to find one link with what I need because everything else is- CELEBRITY DIET SECRETS, GUY INVENTS THING THAT GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT, WHAT DID CELEBRITY A SAY ABOUT CELEBRITY B, WAIT TILL YOU SEE WHO FLASHED PAPARAZZI, BUY ALL THINGS FOR NO MONEY, GET FREE MONEY FROM BILLIONAIRE, and...this one I'm gonna read actually because I want to see how many people I know fall in to this totally scientific category...6 Warning Signs You're Dating a Narcissist.
*Note- It was a dumb article. It should be called Warning Signs You're Dating an Asshole.*

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Boarded up windows

I dream of this one place quite often. It's usually on the outskirts of town, though the town sometimes changes. There are houses that were once grand and towering, that had been turned in to apartments, and eventually boarded up.
Am I dreaming of Detroit? I don't know. There's houses on hills at the end of streets and then a big grassy field that used to be nice but is now a gathering place for homeless folks and wanderers with nowhere else to go.
It reminds me of the photos that go around sometimes of abandoned places. You can see that they used to be full of people and everything was brand new and things had a purpose. But then they get over-grown and people trash things and then it looks spooky. But you can still see how nice it USED to be.
So in the dream last night I was talking to a woman in the grassy area behind the houses. She wasn't old but she looked older than she was because her face was dirty, her clothes were torn, and she was all disheveled. She was maybe 40, the youngest of the group she was with. She said she used to work as a tax assistant of some sort but since she was only needed at one time in the year she couldn't get steady work and that's how she became homeless. She wasn't really worried about herself because she was healthy and could get around. There was a much older lady who wasn't doing so good that she would look out for. They traveled in a group of 7, she said. That's when I realize it was sort of like family (or gang) units that formed and they traveled together but all showed up at this place because they weren't bothered there and it was closed in by houses all around them, so it was relatively safe.
I started to think about what I could get them to eat. It seemed doable to help the 7 of them.
I'm not sure why I was there with them in the first place but I think I was wandering and stumbled upon the semi-sanctuary.
We walked together somewhere in on the way we had to walk by these small fancy boutiques but I couldn't tell if they were open still or if it was just an illusion with pictures in the windows. It still seemed awkward to stomp through the pathways passing windows full of luxurious items but my new friends didn't really seem to notice, as I'm sure they'd walked by them many times.
I was going to go make them some sandwiches but I think I woke up before we got much further.

Not sure why this became a dream blog but...I have them every night so I guess they're bound to make it here. Especially lately...the brain has been working overtime. Time to put it to rest though, and go to work! 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

More dreams. Because I keep having them.

To read the wedding dream part, you can go here.

So the night of the purple dress I dreamed of the same color for what felt like hours.
Purple dress, purple shoes. Later I was making purple cake pops for a friend's daughter. Pretty sure she was wearing the same color of purple. I wonder why it carried on through so many dreams??

The night before I dreamed about a friend I never see and likely won't ever see. But the dreams just kept coming! It was nice though. It was kind of like the old days. It's usually nice when I dream of people I used to be close with because I'll dream of the best times. Or better times that might have never happened. I know I've woken up laughing more than once. But it's still kinda sad because it's either better than the reality or looking back on what won't return.

The most recent, last night, was a fun one. There was a little toy car that had become very collectible. It looked like it might have been out of the Friends (aka Girl) Lego sets. It was like a little white Jeep thing with pink roll bars. It was in a display at a store and I kinda wanted it because it was still the regular price even though it was now worth $98.
(Kinda like that one...)

At this store you could rent a version of the Jeep for $99 a day. I apparently decided to do that because for the rest of the dream I was riding around with someone (who I can't remember) in this awesome little car thing with the tiniest, softest, floppiest dog EVER.
Pretty sure it was just a small dog version of the Snuffalupagus I have next to my pillow. This dog just fell asleep on my chest and I petted it for ages. The sun was on us, since it was an open vehicle of some sort, and we didn't actually have to drive it for some reason. It was very comforting and peaceful.
I knew the owner of this store where we rented the car and borrowed the dog; he owned an airplane, which may or may not have been made of Legos. I know there was a Lego plane somewhere because I was able to take off the top and see that there were teeny little suitcases and stuff in the overhead compartments. It was awesome!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Soap and coffee

I got this Ayurvedic soap for my birthday like 2 years ago from Jeff & Mary.

I've been saving it for a special occasion I guess, because I have yet to use it.
With the impending move I've been trying to use up the miscellaneous bits everywhere so I decided to open it up. Today is now a special occasion. So far it's been "special" but it'll turn out alright.
I got a free chai from the good Captain of La Vita Bela, score! It came with hugs...and a bite of potato. What do you get where you go for coffee?
I dreamed of a weird cranky baby. But it moved around like a much older person. It squished it's own head at one point and I had to reshape it.
I forgot the rest of the dreams that I had last night that made restful sleep not really possible.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015


Jason had a dream that we lived in Florida and he worked at a pirate store.
Sounds kinda nice!

Then there's me. I had a dream that I was shooting a bunch of people with illegal weapons.
I blame Sons of Anarchy and their KG9 storyline because that's what I was using.
It was very quiet and peaceful for a big gun.
I was in a place that looked very much like my high school. I kept opening doors to see who was in the rooms. Ya see if it was someone I wanted to shoot or not.
I'd very quietly open the door to peek in. I kept coming across rooms of children sleeping. I wasn't going to shoot children, sleeping or not, so I'd close the door and move on. I found a room of teenage-ish boys and they were apparently up for grabs. I didn't shoot the 2 geeky ones because they were friends of someone else and I said "friends of so-and-so were friends of mine."
I later went outside with some other people who were similar to people I went to high school with. Suddenly a volleyball came flying at me from the air and I shot it. It made a little ~pop~ noise, which was apparently hilarious because I laaaaughed and laughed.

There was a less creepy dream on that night as well but of course I don't remember that one. The peaceful murder dreams are more memorable apparently.

I think Jason's dream plans are a better idea than mine. 

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Oh Facebook...

So many of us have Facebook woven in to our lives. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. But it's interesting to think about. So many people have come and gone, for better and for worse.
I've made new friends, found old friends, and been able to keep in touch with both.
There are people I'm not friends with anymore, for many a reason--many neutral and neither good nor bad, but they'll still appear. Kind of annoying since it tends to brings up memories of things I'd just as soon keep where they were.
Without Facebook I wouldn't know where half my family was and they wouldn't know where I was and I would have lost track of all kinds of people along the way.
The good and bad is that it's hard to escape but it's hard to get lost. I lost track of my oldest friend for years until I tracked her down on Facebook. I've also got lots of "Friends" now, as many of us do. I'm ok with keeping up with the lives of people I'm not as close to as others. Nothing wrong there. It's social media. That's social.
When you have to decide who is "important" enough to invite to a wedding this Face-machine brings up all kinds of questions about who your friends are and what the boundaries are. (Like will they understand if not getting an invite is nothing personal or will that be un-friend worthy?)
Right now the bottom line I've come up with is: In 20 years will the people in my wedding photos still be in my life? Some of them will, some of them won't. And family...well most of them aren't in my life often now so I assume that'll always be the same. It's less of a worry. Family is family. They can come and go and disappear and whatever and we'll still be family. It's a lucky few who have friends that are truly like family. I've never considered that the best thing about my family is that I don't have to worry about them because we don't really question each other all that much. If we show up to something, if we don't, it doesn't matter. We're used to it and it's not relevant to anything else.
I don't know what the moral of the story is here but it's been a pain in the ass and I wanted to vent it out of me.
The End.
For now.