I don't really remember what was going on before this happened....something equally weird.
I was wandering around this lovely little town with a friend who OH YEAH was randomly killing people. (I did not even watch Dexter last night, this was just lingering serial killer stuff in my head I guess.)
Somewhere in there he lined up a whole group of dudes because he did not want them around anymore I guess. There are three I remember in the group: Keanu Reeves, Hal Sparks, and David Spade. I didn't notice Hal at first I was just freaking out because of David Spade. I was talking to him and I said "He can't kill you! Tommy Boy is way better than Speed! You can have Keanu but you can't have Spade!!" Then I grabbed David Spade and wouldn't let go of him, which is when I saw Hal. I was like COME ON killer friend! This is not cool! Then he had them all lined up and I was still spazzing out and there were pictures of the necklaces they all happened to be wearing. They all had some sort of lightning bolt thing on in the picture. David wasn't wearing his anymore and Hal apparently was wearing a different one. Mr. Killer guy said that those two could go because their jewelry meant trust and friendship instead of whatever gang sign the other thing was. I squeezed my buddies and we went away from the killing line to a hardware store where my mother was buying some sugary cereal. David and Hal gave me their phone numbers so we could keep in touch (Spader apparently lives in Colorado in my head because he gave me a 303 number. I asked him how he could like in Colorado and I didn't know.)
And I am remembering now that the dream before that I was shopping for something at the John Elway car place on I-25. Wasn't a car though. No idea.
I don't know what the moral of the story is but I guess I have no loyalties to Keanu and I really love David Spade more than I thought I did. I kept hugging him saying that they couldn't kill him if I was attached... Hmm...He's in Vegas at the Venetian tonight. Just another sign that I should be there instead of here.
I'm just gonna take this as a good omen, watch Emperor's New Groove, and see what 2010 is going to do to me.