I have returned to the plains. And what glorious plains they are.
At this moment it is 100* and thankfully only 23% humidity.
I am currently lounging with my gato Malcolm at the house of McGyver. It's lovely and he's happily purring away, happy that at least one of his women is attending to his needs.
Today, Katie and I went to The Mall and had Mall chinese food (best ever) and got our nails done. Katie got a sensible reddish color and my claws are now the neon-est of neon greens. It's fabulous!
Yesterday I had to send Lindsay back home to Kansas City so she could hop a plane to the other home, Boston. We only got one whole day together but we know how to make the best of a day. On Tuesday we had Guiterrez...I had a strawberry colada, which is a surprising favorite of mine. That night we did our usual. We ate even more food, drank more booze, and watched movies. Eric came to join us and remind us why there is only one Eric in the world. He can relate any movie credits to Big Bird, a foreign phrase of some sort, or some other kind of complete BS that he has made up. He starts stories in the middle and never seems to notice we're making fun of him until we point it out. Everyone should have an Eric.
The next morning Lindsay and I enjoyed a Days Inn continental breakfast and I went for a swim. As we were just about to leave the pool three noisy, bouncy little he-gremlins came galloping in with their pop and he mentioned something about destroying the peace and quiet. I told him that I had gotten my fill of it and then we debated with the boys about whether or not there were fish in the pool. (There were. They were painted on the side...but the argument is fun to make with small boys.---It's not REAL! I'm touching it!)
Our most important plan for the day was to go see Harry Potter. We were successful. It was amazing. Just like it was the first time. Just like it will be the third time. We also enjoyed superb Chinese and wandered The Mall...even venturing in to a couple of the pre-teen whore stores.
We revisited another old favorite hang out-- Walmart, where I bought a new camera. Happy birthday me.
There was a semi-History Club gathering at Gellas, which was also as magnificent as ever. We were joined by Dr. Goodlett, Eric, and Jarrod. (Katie was absent from ALL of this because she was off getting a job in Indy. Uncool but we dealt with it.) Dr. Goodlett (aka- Uncle Dave) was impressed by our fine speech and motor skills after a certain amount of alcohol. I'm not sure if he was disappointed or not... Then back to the Days Inn with the boys for more movies, snacks, and booze. I just can't think of anything better. The accomodations could be better, the refreshments could be better, there could be additional company, but the general idea is about as good as it gets. We watched The Lair of the White Worm. I HIGHLY recommend it for nights of boozing and snacking.
On Thursday we made time for a quick trip to campus to pick up Sheena Beena for lunch at Gutch's; stopped by to say hello to Dr. Cummins as well, always a joy.
Then Lindsay was away to the east. Before she left in the van-beast we chatted about our future Hays plans, which consist of buying a house and coming here for months at a time.
Tonight's plans are also an old standard. Larks baseball and evening drinks. Another of those things on the list of stuff that can't truly be improved upon. I hope to see more of the folks that are still left here to be seen and I hope the Larks keep up their momentum and WIN tonight!
Until then, I shall remain here with gato. He is bearing his belly for me...purring and waiting.