I know no one cares but I feel like I should be here more often.
My big day has come and gone. I now have 4 less teeth jabbing me in the brain. On Thursday I got 3 wisdom teeth and a broken tooth pulled. It was a horrifying prospect but I barely even noticed they were digging around in there. I saw Dr. Johnson for all of about 1 minute. Still not sure if he was even there for any of it or not.
I'm recovering and it's going very well. I had virtually no face swelling and I only took my percocet as a precaution. I haven't had any fun trippy times with all my drugs, which is a bit disappointing but they don't seem to have much effect on me anyway. Oh well. It was a possible perk but I will soon be mostly pain free so that'll do instead.
I'm still getting used to the holes in my mouth and am starting to get pretty hungry. Some of my girls took me out yesterday for biscuits and gravy. It was good but not nearly as good as grandma's gravy. I've been quite happy with mashed taters and jello so far. Taco Bell isn't too much farther down the list. Must have something with flavor!
Mom and J are off galavanting so I'm here taking care of the creatures and they will NOT leave me alone. Lola stays at my feet and Stowie stays on me in any possible position, or just curls up in my arm pit. I think they put a spell on me to make me sleep more just so they can sit on me for hours at a time. They are both curled up here as we speak. Lola is probably getting bored but she goes out to protect us from squirrels on occassion. Stowie is in a ball, purring up a storm.
As for the face, it's pretty good. Still can feel it a bit but it's just so nice that they aren't there any more. I'm resting while I can and remembering to take my pills. I think they are making my skin numb but that's a whole different thing perhaps.
I have a new apartment update coming I suppose but I'm not ready for that yet. I'll try to get some pictures soon for those interested!