Friday, May 16, 2008
California did something right.
Friday, May 09, 2008
I love Kansas.

Because I love my Kansas friends.
I'd like to say I wish I could take them all with me, but I kind of would rather bring civilization to them. Once you get over the lack of shopping and culture (other than German), it's just fine here. We have the best thunder storms. If it were not for the devil's humidity, I would love Kansas summers. As it is, I only love Kansas springs. But most importantly I have a superior posse, which I usually do.
I have the McGyvers-Judy and Katie. And our nights at Joe's with Alice and Martha.
And Sheena Beena! (Which includes the fellas, Phil and Damian.)
History Club Posse- Eric, Skyla, Daniel, Goodlett (and little Goodlett, AKA Ana.)
My pets- Stasya and Jarrod.
The scholarly types, not so much "pals", but people that I am very fond of- Amy C., Dr. Bartlett, Kim P., Sharla and Sweetpea, Dr. Duffy, Dr. Geo, and even Todd and Singleton.
It makes you consider that maybe there was more reason to set The Wizard of Oz in Kansas than just for a tornado. As creepy as it may be, the midwest is unique. The warm and friendly nature of many its inhabitants are lovely things to be surrounded by. Sure, there's no shortage of jackasses and morons, but that's life. At least out here it's not generally all that hip to make a habit of being pretentious and snobby. Uptight, yes, but not rude.
We had a good night.
Hopefully I'll have time to write more about them soon.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Another Iron Man Note...
One of the keys to Iron Man's success is this--leave the angst out of the story. Thank god. You know how in Spider-Man, the whole MJ thing is just annoying an whiney? Well in Iron Man the movie is about....ADULTS! It's amazing what a couple decades can do to un-lame a story.
Basically, there aren't any children in the movie. There are grown-ups. In this example, it leads to a more enjoyable story minus any dumbass love triangles or whining. It's sooo much better that way.
Just FYI.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Iron Man

Thursday, May 01, 2008
New study: 58 percent of black children can't swim
However, the article has a valid point. That being, "Black children drown at a rate almost three times the overall rate." That's not good. Teach your kids to swim people. And a good percent of Hispanic children can't swim either. What happens if someone falls in a pool? Just hope there's some white folks to rescue them? That's not a good plan for any situation. We rarely save things, we generally make it worse. Anywho, it's just an odd statistic I guess. We're all just getting fatter, maybe the kids should be learning to swim for several reasons...