Saturday, April 26, 2008

Another epiphany...housekeeping?

It's my second in a month. Not bad.
I am.....Tommy Girl. I also like the perfume, but that's a different matter entirely. The movie is a comedy classic. I guess I am a bit of a combination between Tommy and Richard, but you should see my point if you know me at all.
I'll provide quotes to prove it:
Tommy: Did you hear I finally graduated?
Richard Hayden: Yeah, and just a shade under a decade too, all right.
Tommy: You know a lot of people go to college for seven years.
Richard Hayden: I know, they're called doctors.

Tommy: I got a D+! I'm gonna graduate!

Tommy: You better pray to the god of skinny punks that this wind doesn't pick up, cos I'll come over there, and jam an oar up your ass!

Tommy: Does this suit make me look fat?
Richard Hayden: No, your face does.

And the best part of the whole movie-
Tommy: Forget it, I quit, I can't do this anymore, man. My head's about to explode. My whole life sucks! I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know where I'm going. My dad just died, we just killed Bambi, I'm out here getting my ass kicked and every time I drive down the road I wanna jerk the wheel into a Goddamn bridge abutment!

The Forbidden Kingdom

The film isn't getting great reviews but that's greatly from the side of the critics from what I can tell. I, on the other hand, thought it was quite fun. I like Jackie Chan, he's funny and he can defy gravity. Jet Li isn't as entertaining as an actor but he's just as awesome with the kung fu moves. (Probably more awesome technically but I'm not an expert.) I read one review somewhere that said "Finally and Jet Li and Jackie Chan movie! But with someone else's story." Well, get over it. English is not high on the list of Jet's talents and really how much Jackie do we need to hear? I thought it was a perfect vehicle to get us to where we needed to be. Transitions are weak and yes the story is semi-ridiculous but since when have kung fu movies been about anything but the action? You don't go see a movie starring two of the greatest martial arts actors to get deep dialogue. You go to see what magic they can do.
As always, people have not yet learned to go watch a damn movie for what it is and not what they had in mind. If you think you can do better, then please go do so.
I recommend this if you want a lot of action but not a lot of violence. If you can figure out what that is. It's not too often that we get a whole lot of butt kicking with a minimum of blood. I believe that we can thank the Asians for that. The scenery is lovely as well. And I like the story, I don't care if it's predictable and goofy.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Killing things- The new art.

When Dexter kills people, it is art. But he's on TV. Actually doing it is less artistic.

This is from the blog petitioning against his newest "creation". Apparently someone liked his first dead dog so much that they are going to allow him to do it again.

Guillermo Habacuc Vargas admits on his new created MySpace page, that he indeed killed the dog!
Here is a part of his original [most recent] statement:"Hello everyone. My name is Guillermo Habacuc Vargas. I am 50 years old and an artist. Recently, I have been critisized for my work titled "Eres lo que lees", which features a dog named Nativity. The purpose of the work was not to cause any type of infliction on the poor, innocent creature, but rather to illustrate a point. In my home city of San Jose, Costa Rica, tens of thousands of stray dogs starve and die of illness each year in the streets and no one pays them a second thought.
Now, if you publicly display one of these starving creatures, such as the case with Nativity, it creates a backlash that brings out a big of hypocrisy in all of us. Nativity was a very sick creature and would have died in the streets anyway.

So, he's completely correct of course. Just look for it and you'll find people freaking out all over the place because he's killing things. But they aren't freaking out over the dog that's dead on the other side of the wall in the alley. *This is the problem.* People are only upset because it is being sensationalized. Otherwise would we pay attention to one dead dog in South America? Absolutely not.

On the other hand, I think this guy is a jackass and he should be tied up in the corner. If he was using humans I'd be ok with it but the dog has no choice in the matter. Doing something to make a point is useful but watching something die instead of helping is karmically problematic and cruel in general.

Is he making a point? Yes. Is it effective? Yes. Is it art? Not in the slightest. Art implies talent. This is not talent. All it proves is that he knows how to tie a knot. This should not be encouraged. He's made his point. Something died that he could have easily prevented, which I suppose is what we should all be thinking about.

Get your damn pets fixed!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Front Page News (Only in Hays)

This is our new hangout. I'm hoping it'll get some more regulars soon. But until then.....looky, I'm in the paper.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!

Charlton Heston 1924-2008

He was an interesting, and kinda nutty man who I really don't agree with in so many areas. However, his contribution to film is undeniable. He created memorable and unique characters for some of the greatest and grandest movies of all time.
Here's to Chuck.