You call me:"redneck""Hillbilly""Slaker""Cracker""Honkey""Whitey""Gringo""Sage"and you think it's OK.
But when I call you: jungle bunny, spear chucker, coon, wet back, jiggaboo, porch monkey, sand nigger, rag head, towel head, Camel Jockey, Gook, Spook, NIGG*R, KIKE, slant eyes, Chink, Grease Monkeys created by shane hair, you call me a racist.
--You have the United Negro College Fund.
--You have Martin Luther King Day
--You have Black History Month
--You have Cesar Chavez Day
--You have Yom Hashoah
--You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
--You have the NAACP
--You have BET
--If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racist.
--If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racist.
--If we had white history month... we'd be racist.
--If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be racist.
--If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...you know we'd be racist.
--In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights...you would call us racist.
--Did you know that some high school students decided to make a club for only the white students because the other ethnicities had them. they all got sent to court for being racist but the african-american, Latino, and Asian clubs were not even questioned.
--You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
I am white and I am proud. But, you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?
Now watch, I'll be racist for reposting this. So what? no-one will re-post this for fear of being called racistif you agree w/ this than repost saying"i'm not RACIST but its true.
My response to the poor idiot:
I see the good points but it's still offensive. Whites weren't enslaved for their entire lives, forced to build things that killed them on a regular basis, and treated like animals. SO, therefore, we should have a better sense of humor about names that minorities rarely call us. We have Colombus Day, President's Day, Easter, Christmas, etc. I'm not Christian yet I'm not generally offended by Christmas. I'm offended by fundamental Christians yes, but not the holiday that everyone misinterprets. The reason people created things (holidays, chanels, groups, etc.) to cater to minorities is because they do not get representation in other areas. White folks have all the attention they need and should stop their baby-ass whining. I get the point, and it's true that we wouldn't be able to have WET, but who the hell would want it?? We have CMT, that's close enough. The white male that wrote this should probably look into a history class before he starts to criticize too heavily. "If we marched for our race and rights..." Um, WE DON'T HAVE TO! That's the point. Plenty of non-whites are racist. Don't get to feeling all sory for yourself now. Silly redneck...