When desperate, always blame racism. It seems that this guy has a serious attitude problem and rather than keep any of his pride in tact he pulls this BS out. Please, dude. I don't care if your black, I think you're just a regular asshole. You'd still be an asshole if you were white.
I'm not saying we're not a racist country, but this isn't really where the issue lies.
Washington: "I Was Fired Because I'm Black"
Actor Isaiah Washington insists the only reason he was fired from TV show Grey's Anatomy for making a homophobic remark was because of the color of his skin. Washington infamously made an offensive comment about castmate T.R. Knight last October and repeated it at the Golden Globe Awards earlier this year. But the 43-year-old claims he was fired from Grey's Anatomy earlier this month because America can't find it in its heart to forgive an African-American. He cites the examples of actor Robert Downey, Jr., who has rebuilt his career despite multiple run-ins with the police over his drug problems, and politician Arnold Schwarzenneger, who has fought allegations of sexual misconduct. Washington tells U.S. magazine Newsweek, "I apologized and showed my remorse for what I said and for the pain I caused anyone. If a black man can't get forgiveness in this country, when so many other people like Robert Downey, Jr. and the governor of California get second and third chances... I think that says a lot about race and this country where we stand."
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
More presidential candidates: Barack Obama

Pros: First thing's first, it would be sweet if we had a African-American president. I have no problem saying it. Lots of people are thinking it.
This guy worked for what he has. I mean he actually had to prove himself rather than using his daddy's money to prove nothing.
Watch the well made video on his webpage and you'll want to vote for him right now. http://www.barackobama.com/about/
He is personable and likeable, and miracle of all miracles he almost seems like a relatively normal human being. I actually believe the words that come out of his mouth.
He seems prepared to bridge the red-blue gap if at all possible. He's going after the common ground that somehow gets ignored even though that's what we all want.
He's very nicely placed himself in the middle of the road which makes it all the more likely for anyone to vote for him.
Cons: There is a whole heck of a lot of racist, redneck, SOBs in the world that will not vote for a black guy. It's the simple truth. It's likely they don't know when the election is so that's a plus.
He might be just too perfect and idealistic. I don't know if people are ever going to be prepared for an honest politician with possible good intentions.
I read that he smokes. He should cut that out.
More presidential candidates: Dennis Kucinich

Pros: The dude has a peace sign on his webpage.
He's kinda groovy, and I like a lot of what he says.
He is involved in a LOT of issues, not just the key, hot-button stuff.
His civil rights record is fantastic.
Cons: He's been a Family Guy joke...therefore, since I know relatively little about him, it's hard to not think about the Family Guy reference.
He sometimes looks like a cartoon turtle.
I don't think he'll make it past the popular kids. I don't know.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Movie Reviews Gone Wild
Carrie- Awesome horror movie. (Of course I've seen it before, but I forgot how brilliant it was.) It's so well made and since it's horror no one pays attention to that part. If you've seen it then you should watch it again some day and pay attention to the details and if you haven't then...hello, it's a classic.
Kill Bill 2- I thought I'd give this a try right after Grindhouse and when I was feeling good about QT. It didn't really work though. I still found it rather boring. It's ok, just not something I'd go out of my way to watch.
The Bad Seed- The child is creepy. It's also a classic and the little girl is very believable as a homicidal child. It's one to watch if you're into the classics but not one everyone would enjoy.
Wishmaster 3 & 4- So I dig Wishmaster, sue me! Not even close to being as fun as the first 2. Andrew Divoff was awesome as the djinn in the first two because he's so ridiculous. As I recall, #4 is a little more fun but it's not the same without the original dude. Still fun and bloody though.
Batman- Of course I've seen the original Batman before but I put it on the list because it should be recognized. The movie is hillarious. It's very clever, Michael and Jack are just supremely entertaining.
Unforgiven- Apparently a classic in the western genre. It's a good movie, it's well done, it's just kinda boring. Great cast, and good performances though.
Raging Bull- It's kind of what you think it will be. Crazy Italian gets knocked in the head too many times and gets a little crazier. Something about it sticks with you though. The end is depressing; the downfall of a champion is never nice to watch. Also a classic.
Eraserhead- There are no sensible words to describe this movie. It's very interesting as far as studying film goes but as entertainment it's quite a stretch. I assume the fact that I find it almost painful to watch would make the director do a happy dance. It's nearly unbearable, but you keep watching. I don't get it. It's extremely bizarre and you WILL remember it after you watch it.
He Knows You're Alone- Total lame-ass ripoff of Halloween. It's the first movie Tom Hanks did and he's very Tom Hanks in it. Cuddly and adorable. The movie stinks, but kind of in a fun way...
Prom Night- Another Jamie Lee Curtis attempt. It's too long to be interesting. I appreciate the effort though.
The Shining- Another one that I have, of course, seen before but I needed to watch again. It's so damn good. I cannot stand the wife but I ignore that and enjoy the rest of the movie. Again, Jack is simply brilliant.
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles- One of the humor gems that everyone should watch. Classic Steve Martin and John Candy.
The Condemned- Such the macho movie, but man it was fun to watch. It's just bad all over the place but who can resist Stone Cold and Vinnie Jones! The non-criminals in the film are the actual bad guys, and they attempt to make a "statement" about watching violent movies. It's hillarious. I'll admit I'd watch it again, but I'm certainly not going to take it seriously. The handheld camera was too much through the whole thing. It's supposed to be a "reality" thing, well there wouldn't be a handheld camera now would there? Do a little research before you try to get creative.
Friday the 13th, Part 3- Just as lame as the others.
Racing Stripes- Cute for the kiddos.
Shock Corridor- Surprisingly interesting. A guy goes in to an asylum to get a story and hey he goes crazy. The main character is pretty interesting to watch, as are the crazy people, even if the rest of it is somewhat pathetic.
The House That Dripped Blood- Oh what a movie. I LOVED it! It's absolutely necessary for any horror movie fan. Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee are the essence of what horror should be and this is great because of them. The little stories keep your attention and move on to the next story just when they should. It's no 5 star film but I thought it was great. They are willing to make fun of themselves and that's always fun.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
New Pet
This is my new Colorado buffalo. His name is Kerwin. His brother, who will live with Katie, has yet to be named. And at the moment Katie is hysterical, and totally unable to control herself so he might not be named for a while. We have to wait for the giggle fits to stop coming in waves.
Kerwin and his brother are the mascots for the Katie and Kathay Colorado Trip.
We're having far too much fun for our own good. It's fantastic.
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